Thursday, November 24, 2011


As I said on FB, better late than never... I am thinking on working on a coloured version of this for the one who wants the original... I am doing my little space of time to not thinking about laboratory and get connected to the world... thank you for all your preference!!!


Ray's Cowboy said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you as well.

Palanca Feet said...

Thanks, the same to you, Ray!

Anonymous said...

thank you for your comments on my blog! I like they a lot!
baci from braccio

Aknaton said...

No me inspiro en nadie en particular, pero debo confesar que los penes torcidos me resultan mucho más atractivos que los perfectamente rectos. Digamos que tienen más personalidad, por decirlo de alguna forma XP.
Recuerdo a un alto y moreno cubano que conocí celebrando mi cumpleaños con un grupo de amigos en un bar. La serpenteante forma de una "S" podría describir muy bien las curvas de su pene... excelente regalo, no te parece?

Palanca Feet said...

I had a similar experience of a "twisted" or crooked huge penis of a black-mixed guy. He was a guard from a low visited private club and he was horny:)