Thursday, December 23, 2010


Well, sorry for posting an old one, but anyways the spirit of the big gray-furry guy who invade our working places and homes should in a way be saluted. Merry Xmas to all of you fudgers!!!


David Mason said...

Very hot

Palanca Feet said...

Thank you! Sorry for not working on a new one, I should do it right now, but the sun gets me crazy (here in Peru is summertime) and that blinds me and gets me forced to be outdoors...

Jack said...

Love it when a blog shows some christmas spirit... Great post.

Palanca Feet said...

Thank you David for the link about your PalancANALysis, it's really stimulating to hear about the fetishes we don't have but we sometimes feel them like a hidden part of us, all in the nature is full of depictions of concave, convex, tuff, soft, dry, moist, blue, red gray gold things that in a way sooner or later it will stimule us without proposing it to ourselves

Palanca Feet said...

Oh and of course, I forgot to put the link to your site: